
 I approach my work in two very different ways. For my larger paintings, I start with a general idea of what I want to express or capture. Working with drawings, I construct the basic composition and visual elements, drawing and redrawing until I get to that point where I feel that the overall composition and imagery are working as a whole. I transfer the drawing onto a prepared  panel or canvas for painting. Techniques, colors, and various painting styles are fluid and developed along the way. Color is used to enhance the feeling / idea / expression of the paintings, often adding collage elements to enhance the overall visual intent.

My other process is working directly on the canvas. I build up multiple layers of very thin transparent primary colors. The process for these paintings is both intuitive and spontaneous, with no drawings and no preconceived ideas or intentions. An awareness of lines and shapes unfold as the multitude of colors and their respective layers are revealed. The lines and shapes are enhanced by either removing layers of color, or letting the layers of colors continue to build.  By focusing on the variations of colored layers, the end result is luminous and transparent.


One of the oldest vessel forms and one still in use today. Using basic hand building techniques, I work directly with the clay to create forms that are both functional, tactile and visually interesting.